Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Final Decision for Argument Topic Questions/Most Interested Topic (Blog Writing 4a and 4b

4a) Make a final decision about your logical argument research topic. What is it? Questions to ask yourself:

What have we been studying in class this year?

In the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year, we have been studying the layers of computers and technology, and how it affects society in many ways. We have been learning about computers in terms of history, the internet, blogs, and the advancements in computer technology in the late 20th century, and how it greatly changed the way we live. The development of the Internet and the invention of the World Wide Web allowed instant communication and access to information from around the world.
 Which subjects appeal to me? 
The subjects that appeal to me the most is mathematics/algebra/calculus and science. They influenced my interests in technology, and how the world works. It inspired me to go into a field/branch of math or science. The subjects about technology that appeal to be to argue against are that the effect social networks have on the youth today, how technology has evolved and whether it takes over human properties, and about a topic concerning internet safety and management.

What are people writing about? 
What others are writing about in terms of technology are that should the government enact and enforce laws to protect children from explicit Internet content? Should schools and lawmakers do more to protect kids from cyberbullies?
Should companies that store personal digital data be subject to federal regulation? Do the positive aspects of social networking sites outweigh the negatives? Do we need an international cyberwar treaty? Should filtering software be used? Does the spread of pop culture harm society?

What's most interesting to me?
The most interesting part for me in terms of technology is computer science and internet research through the scientific inquiry.

Can I find information about that?
I can definitely find information about my argument over the previously mentioned topics on technology through internet research, argumentative articles, and source of statistics and anecdotal evidence.

4b) Why are you most interested in the topic of argument selected?

 I am most interest in the topic of technology for whether the government should enforce laws and regulations to protect users of the internet from certain content because as use of the Internet grew in the 1990s, people began to express concern about the type of content children were able to access. Although law is challenged by the American Library Association on the grounds of internet research that it required libraries to unconstitutionally block access to constitutionally protected information on the Internet, it was upheld by the Supreme Court as constitutional. People who are opposed to laws that require schools and libraries to block or filter access to Internet content say that such laws are a restriction on free speech.

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